Monday, July 23, 2012

An update

Well I think it is suffice to say I am not a natural blogger. It has been a while since my last post, I guess in this (at times overly utilized) social media World I haven't fully bought into the propensity to share with the World every little morsel that is happening in life. However, since my last post things have been ticking along with the business.. slowly but surely!

I have now taken over 6,000 images with the D800 and I have noticed that some, if not all, of the focal points are 'off'. After supplying Nikon customer service with several test shots they agree.  Below is straight from the camera shot that has been imported into Nikon's NX-2 software, the red box depicts where the focal point should be, however, the actual area in focus is to the top left of the box.

I am now in the position where I have to send my D800 back to Nikon and I will be without it for the next  4-6 weeks. This is rather daunting, and not to mention extremely annoying as firstly it is less than two months old, and secondly, and most importantly, I am getting into a position where I can finally 'launch' my business soon and I really need the camera and for it to be functioning as it should! I am hoping the D800 can be calibrated quickly as my wonderful husband surprised me with a very nice Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8 lens which I really want to test to it's full potential.  

Technical issues aside, I love the camera and I have been compensating for the focal issues thus far. Here are  just a couple of my favorite recent images:-

On the business side of things, I have obtained business insurance and finalized some legal forms, however, I am yet to complete the contracts and still need a little work on the book keeping. Hopefully in the next few weeks it will all be complete. Whilst this is the not so attractive side of operating a business, I want to ensure that I have everything in place before launching the business and then I can immerse myself into the photography.

For more images visit my facebook page:!/pages/Lorna-Tyson-Photography/147907001953261